
The process began for me as a fledgling photographer when I was learning about exposure, and my photos were not coming out as I had hoped. After some time struggling to find the right execution to match my vision. It was at a workshop in San Miguel, Mexico, with Joyce Tenneson that I discovered magic!

During a morning critique, I had slides on a light table; one of the slides inadvertently flipped on top of another. It was at that moment I discovered the liminal direction of amalgamations. 
Now, with much practice and refinement, my process begins way before the slides hit the light table. First, I begin by shooting images that I specifically take to be layered with other images. I create a backlog of these images and enter them into a classification such as; water, stones, fountains, flowers, trees, etc. These images are part of the narrative; they enhance the imagery of the story the final image portrays. Next, I sort these images on the computer, select the strongest ones, and then print them out in thumbnails on acetate with corresponding file numbers. Afterward, I comically catalog them in a system of clear bags with labels spelling out their specific classified names, i.e., stone elements, water, floral, etc. 

The third part of the process is pairing the figurative portrait of my main character, my female lead, with the cataloged image. This process involves a bit of improvisation and collaging. By laying the figurative images on my light table and randomly scattering the thumbnails over them, the creative process begins. From there, I am playing around with each selection of the thumbnails, searching for the perfect match where the story becomes alive. It’s like hunting for that piece in a jigsaw puzzle that you know will fit perfectly. And when I find the perfect match, it sings to create its own unique note. At that aha moment I then, feverishly begin to scotch tape them together and record the file numbers. It’s all very tactile. From here it goes from analog to digital, the final amalgamation image is ready to be entered into the computer for some editing or color correction. 

This elegant process of storytelling and discovery gives me great joy.

I love the searching and sorting and the delightful surprise when the finished image comes to life. For me, it is Truly all about the magic of creativity.