Hoodoo, limited edition 1/9, digital photography with amalgamation, 2021

Hoodoo, limited edition 1/9, digital photography with amalgamation, 2021

While exploring Bryce National Park with my husband and friends, I became enamored with the Hoodoos.

These land formations that stand tall above us, reminding me of the passage of time and the temporal nature of all things. I became fascinated with how these spires were formed and what created their texture and shape.

The “fairy chimneys” are rock pinnacles that were left standing by the combined forces of weather and erosion. The individual rock columns are protected from erosion by a more rigid layer of rock called dolomite, which surrounds the softer strata underneath. These alternating hard and soft layers erode at different rates causing the varied mystical hoodoo shape. As the softer grade deteriorates, the hoodoos will eventually collapse, and mother nature will resume creating her magic within the landscape.