The purpose of this writing is to illustrate the importance of flowers and fragrances in my world and my work. To share with the viewer more of myself. This is a bit of stretch for me but I have enjoyed the process.


Flowers have always been a significant influencer in my life. Subsequently, I am drawn to the faerie world that they house. As a child, I was enthralled by my neighbor’s flower garden.

I had never seen anything like it. It was not a dramatically designed arrangement of plants that meandered through the yard but strips of flowers straight in a row with a path to walk through. I would spend hours marveling at the symmetry of the garden and the plethora of species it contained. And yet, even though I had a deep connection with plants. I chose to live in an urban warehouse for almost 40 years. I was in a cement world. Except for my yearly trips to Europe. Which inspired and reconnected me with flowers. Especially my trip to Bath, England, where I first observed plants accenting the streets and household doorsteps.

The sense of beauty was overwhelming.

Kat Moserflowers, beauty