Water Faeries A10, Limited edition, film photography, 2002

Water Faeries A10, Limited edition, film photography, 2002

This series was completed in 2002. The only light was from the pool light, not underwater but taken from above the model in total darkness.

It is dark, scary dark, as the pool sits on the edge of the forest.

Illuminated only by the stars and a singular source of light. I felt the presence of all nocturnal life.

As I was outside among the wilds of the night. My loved ones were nestled in their bed, leaving me feeling totally aware of my vulnerability. The water faeries, however, were open to playing in their fluid environment. Appearing to be floating and immersed underwater

The model personified the lightness of a sprite dancing in the water, fluttering in her buoyancy.

It was pure Wabi-Sabi. Letting go, enjoying the beauty that imperfection can create.

Kat Moser