Alice's aventures magiques edition 1_9...color film with digital amalgamations...2020.jpg

Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carrol’s Victorian novel (1865) portrays a young woman, my heroine. Who struggles with understanding the feminine passage into womanhood. 

As young females, we often endure the romantic quest to find our identity to understand the logic and the rules of society. The authority that we often are forced to push against to claim our equality.

This symbolic image of Alice peering into her life through this glass is where she observes the chaos of her existing environment and struggles to understand how she can find balance in this upside down world.   

Alice makes good and bad choices as we all do when finding our new true selves. She ultimately finds her identity in her search from her experiences and ultimately becomes best self.

Alice illuminate’s the path for females on their quest for seeking their own identity and female equality. Ultimately her progression illustrates that it is possible to find balance in a chaotic world.